EarthQuake Entertainment LLC
One would think that the devastating and painful history of slavery is behind us along with the bigotry, hatred and racism associated with the horrific immoral terrorism committed by the so called civilized socities. But today we still have unarmed people of color falling victim to unjustified use of deadly force and mass self genocide as if our lives do not matter. The prison industrial complex incarcerates minorities at alarming rates and our so called justice system is plauged with racism and discrimination. We will not be controlled by violence or brutality. We will stand against oppression. We will be free.
What is happening?
One would think that the devastating and painful history of slavery is behind us along with the bigotry, hatred and racism associated with the horrific immoral terrorism committed by the so called civilized socities. But today we still have unarmed people of color falling victim to unjustified use of deadly force and mass self genocide as if our lives do not matter.

Who are we?
Earthquake Entertainment LLC is a multi faceted company specialized in urban music and community events. Music with a purpose is one way to describe us. We provide mind blowing experiences through various forms of media designed to inspire and motivate change from within. We produce concerts, showcase talent and sponsor local festivals.
We are community oriented providing support for activities such as Juneteenth parade/festival, The Annual African American Day Parade in Harlem, live performances, anti violence events, positive youth activities and local positive fund raisers. We reach the youth in a way they can understand without leading them down the dark road of negativity and addiction. We accept the responsibility of showing people a better way to freedom and prosperity..